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 150W 150 ohm Aluminum Housed Braking Resistor Resistance   150W 150 ohm Aluminum Housed Braking Resistor Resistance   $14.49 

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 150W 100 ohm Aluminum Housing Wirewound Braking Resistor   150W 100 ohm Aluminum Housing Wirewound Braking Resistor   $15.99 

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 Aluminum Housing Wirewound Braking Resistor 200W 100 ohm   Aluminum Housing Wirewound Braking Resistor 200W 100 ohm   $20.99 

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 Solder Lug Terminals 200W 30 ohm Aluminum Housing Braking Resistor   Solder Lug Terminals 200W 30 ohm Aluminum Housing Braking Resistor   $18.99 

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 Aluminum Housing Wirewound Braking Resistor 200W 200 ohm   Aluminum Housing Wirewound Braking Resistor 200W 200 ohm   $18.99 

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 Gold Tone Chassis Mount 18 Ohm 5% 50W Aluminium Clad Resistor   Gold Tone Chassis Mount 18 Ohm 5% 50W Aluminium Clad Resistor   $5.99 

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 WH118-I 2.2K ohm 2W Carbon Composition Rotary Taper Potentiometer   WH118-I 2.2K ohm 2W Carbon Composition Rotary Taper Potentiometer   $5.99 

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 WTH118-1A 220K ohm 2W Carbon Composition Rotary Taper Potentiometer   WTH118-1A 220K ohm 2W Carbon Composition Rotary Taper Potentiometer   $5.99 

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 WTH(118) 1K ohm 2W Carbon Composition Rotary Taper Potentiometer   WTH(118) 1K ohm 2W Carbon Composition Rotary Taper Potentiometer   $5.99 

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 WH118-I 47K ohm 2W Carbon Composition Rotary Taper Potentiometer   WH118-I 47K ohm 2W Carbon Composition Rotary Taper Potentiometer   $5.99 

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 Knutled Shaft Dual Taper Linear Potentiometer 5K ohm B5K   Knutled Shaft Dual Taper Linear Potentiometer 5K ohm B5K   $5.99 

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 WH118-I 10K ohm 2W Carbon Composition Rotary Taper Potentiometer   WH118-I 10K ohm 2W Carbon Composition Rotary Taper Potentiometer   $5.99 

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 WH118-1A 22K ohm 2W Carbon Composition Rotary Taper Potentiometer   WH118-1A 22K ohm 2W Carbon Composition Rotary Taper Potentiometer   $5.99 

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 10 x Radial Lead Epoxy Disc Varistors Resistors 20D471K   10 x Radial Lead Epoxy Disc Varistors Resistors 20D471K   $5.99 

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 130 Ohm 100 Watts High Power Ceramic Tube Resistor 100W 130R   130 Ohm 100 Watts High Power Ceramic Tube Resistor 100W 130R   $8.49 

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 50W Watt 12 Ohm 5% Ceramic Tube Fixed Wire Wound Resistor   50W Watt 12 Ohm 5% Ceramic Tube Fixed Wire Wound Resistor   $9.99 

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 Non-Flammable 50W 1K Ohm 5% Fixed Power Wire Wound Resistor   Non-Flammable 50W 1K Ohm 5% Fixed Power Wire Wound Resistor   $5.99 

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 Solder Lugs 50W Watts 400 Ohm 5% Fixed Wire Wound Resistor   Solder Lugs 50W Watts 400 Ohm 5% Fixed Wire Wound Resistor   $5.99 

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 10 x Radial Lead Voltage Dependent Resistors 7D511K DC 415V   10 x Radial Lead Voltage Dependent Resistors 7D511K DC 415V   $5.99 

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 10 x Voltage Dependent Resistors Varistors 7D471K AC 300V   10 x Voltage Dependent Resistors Varistors 7D471K AC 300V   $5.99 

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 10 x Radial Lead Voltage Dependent Resistors 14D391K DC 320V   10 x Radial Lead Voltage Dependent Resistors 14D391K DC 320V   $5.99 

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