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Latest Selection of iPod Nano Chromatic Skins Cases Holders

iPod Nano-chromatic - the new fourth generation Nano that was recently released to fanfare in San Francisco. It is called Nano-chromatic because the new Nanos are available in nine vibrant colours. Amazing what a bit of colour does - even though the Nanos are in two sizes - 8 GB and 16 GB, the nine colours make it seem like there are so many more options. The new iPod Nano has returned to its second generation roots for the basic shape. It is 3.5 inches high, 1.5 inches wide and .25 of an inch deep - the general shape is much like the older black and white skinny Nano. It still has the ubiquitous Apple Click Wheel for navigation, but that is where the similarities end. The new Nano is case is made of one-piece curved aluminum that is thinned at the edges - kind of like a squashed tube. Apple calls it the thinnest iPod ever and the new shape, combined with a weight of only 1.3 ounces reinforces that. It is quite beautiful and feels really sleek in the hand. The screen is the big change from the old Nano - it is a 2-inch diagonal colour LCD with LED backlight that has a resolution of 320 x 240 pixels at 204 ppi.

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